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Last updated: October 24, 2016

All users should read these Terms of Service carefully before using This Site is owned and operated by Creative BSTRO Inc.. This Agreement contains legally binding terms and conditions attached to the use of this Site (the Service).

By using or accessing the Site in any way, viewing or browsing the Site, or adding your own content to the Site (such as comments), you are agreeing to be bound by all terms outlined in the most recent version of these ToS.


Intellectual Property

All client-related material presented on this Site is used with the expressed written permission of our clients, who each retain complete rights to the use and distribution of that material.  This Site and all of its original content are the sole property of Creative BSTRO Inc.  All design and content presented on this Site are fully protected by international copyright and other intellectual property rights laws.  


Links to Other Websites

Our Site contains links to other websites which are not owned or controlled by Creative BSTRO Inc.. Creative BSTRO Inc. assumes no responsibility for the content or general practices of any other site or resource visited as a result of clicking a link on the Creative BSTRO Inc. Site.

You acknowledge and agree that Creative BSTRO Inc. cannot and will not be held responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused as a result of visiting any website through a link found on the Site.

You are advised to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of any site that you visit by following a link that is posted on our site.


Changes to This Agreement

We reserve the right to modify these ToS at any time. We will notify new and returning visitors of these changes through notifications about an updated ToS on the Site, and try to provide at least 30 days’ notice prior to any new terms taking effect. If you continue to visit and use the site after such changes have been made, this indicates your formal acceptance of the revised ToS.

You are advised to review this Agreement for such changes on an occasional basis. Should you not agree to any new or existing terms outlined in this Agreement, you may not continue to access or use this Site.


Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Agreement, please feel free to contact us at