The Gifts (and GIFs) that Brightened Our 2016
December 13, 2016Happy Holidays! We’re so glad that it’s almost a new year.
Rather than try to make sense of 2016, the BSTRO team decided to celebrate the ridiculous digital things that brought us lighthearted laughs this year, and gave us the strength to keep checking our newsfeeds.
The cat videos. The Snapchat selfies. The laughing babies and Pinterest fails and that YouTube mom who just really loved her kid’s Star Wars toy… it’s all here, in this holiday video from us to you.
Of course, not all of our favorite things could make it into the video (because not all of them could be worked into rhyme!).
Here are some of the other newsfeed gifts that brought us joy this year.
1. Snapchat

This year, Snapchat was my salvation. Being able to keep up with my people — in 10 seconds or less — and share pictures and experiences; it’s almost like being there, even though we are all so far away. Targeted Geofilters? AMAZING!
– Taylor Stokes, Assistant Account Executive
2. Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go was a highlight for me, ‘cos I like collecting stuff. Gotta catch them all!
– Kevin Chan, VP of Technology
3. RunPee

My favorite new app this year? RunPee. It’s innovation at its finest. Pure genius.
– Molly Carr, Designer
4. Everyframeapainting on YouTube

I love movies, and Everyframeapainting is a super short and entertaining channel with a lot of effort put into it. You learn really awesome things about the tremendous talent and work involved in the nuances of visual storytelling.
– Carolyn Phoenix, Senior Account Executive
Everyframeapainting on YouTube
5. The Dodo

When I can’t handle any more current events news, I love heartwarming animal videos. I don’t know why, because they usually make me cry. But mostly happy tears! Animals don’t discriminate based on race, creed, religion, or sexual orientation. Seeing the sweet videos gives me hope for the world.
– Lana Olmer, Account Executive
6. Clever Instagram accounts

Clever Instas never fail to make me smile. @deliciouslystella (it’s all about the text/hashtags), @alfreddrinkingcoffee, @wrightkitchen, @lego_starwars_et. The one that I always recommend is @socalitybarbie, because it’s like, so authentic and meaningful and stuff.
– Pam Berg, Content Marketing Specialist
Go follow: Deliciouslystella
7. Popurls

Popurls is an aggregator of so many sites (from reddit to NYTimes), and their popular/new posts are on a single page. It’s like an everything bagel.
– Antonio Rusevski, Creative Director
8. UX Reactions

UX Reactions was a digital highlight for me. Too real.
– Damian Jolley, Designer
9. J.A.W. Cooper

This year I was just in love with this artist. I check her page all the time. She doesn’t need to be good at the hashtag game… sometimes no hashtags. She’s a baller.
– Natalie O’Brien, Designer
10. Eating corn gone wrong!

This GIF is so tragic, but I just can’t look away. She even posted a follow up.
– Kim Alvarez, Web Developer
You’ve been warned: Eating corn gone wrong!
11. Cute chameleon pics

This year I was forever looking at cute chameleon pics and trying to judge if I have what it takes to be a chameleon owner (still undecided).
– Kendall Beck, Assistant Account Executive
12. Love is love is love is love

Lin Manuel Miranda stole my heart a million times over this year. The Tony Awards were the day after the Orlando nightclub murders. His emotions were heightened – everyone’s were. His acceptance speech was a sonnet to his wife, a rap for the people theater rarely serves, and a tribute to those who lost their lives because of who they loved. Love is love is love is love is love is love…
– Jill Tracy, CEO
We hope that 2017 brings us all many, many more laughs, and we can’t wait for it to start. To 2016, we have just two remaining words: Bye Felicia.
P.S. If you’d like to see the full-length version of our holiday video, watch it here: