Quarant-memes: Memes for the Socially Distant
March 23, 2020Welcome to the Quarantine Memes: your break from just how dang serious everything got all of a sudden. They say laughter is the best medicine! They’re wrong, in this case, but still. Enjoy.
Day… what day are we on again?
Tom Hanks had Wilson. Everyone else is finding their own coping mechanisms. Don’t ask about ours.

Quarantine day 11:
https://t.co/eKsR0tureq— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) March 22, 2020
Day 4 of quarantine pic.twitter.com/t9DxoSz2e6
— jessi-sama✨ (@darthmewwww) March 17, 2020
Old world, new memes
Sayings, sauces, and sasquatches – everything’s getting the quarantine meme treatment.

Working From Home or Hardly Working?
We’ve all got new coworkers, new processes, and new offices. Plus some things we didn’t expect.


Miscellaneous Memes
Talking dogs? Labrador yoga? Here’s a sampling of some that made us laugh this week.

Craving more creative quarantine content?
Check out this week’s
Contact-free, remote, house concerts and a Boredom Buster of a board game.