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Building the best website for your unique business

Responsive web development is no longer just a bonus feature – it’s a requirement in order for your business website to get found and be successful. Custom web development tailored to your business goals and needs means that your website can expand and grow with your business and its customers.

Ready to hear what custom web development can add to your marketing strategy? Schedule a consultation today.

Our projects are proudly made in Canada

Web development is so much more than turning beautiful designs into code. It’s the intricate computer science that has brought over one billion websites to life. BSTRO’s in-house development team works closely with designers to ensure that our pixel-perfect web designs can be developed smoothly, and with best practices in mind. Accessibility, load times, speed and the overall experience are considered throughout the process.

We have skilled developers in WordPress and Drupal, the most common platforms, as well as Shopify, Hubspot and most other popular CMS and CRM systems. This means we can partner with other teams as well as build out your existing site without issues, and are experienced at adding MarTech integrations such as eCommerce and automation tools. We also love working on complete custom builds with our own design team, and are proponents of open source code.

Accessible and future-friendly development

Part of a successful website is a simple, user-friendly backend content management system (CMS). Our sites are just as easy for your team to update, edit content and add to as they are beautiful and simple for visitors to use.

We take a thorough approach to our quality assurance testing, ensuring that what we build is functional on all platforms, be it Windows or Macs, Chrome or Safari, Androids, iPhones, Windows phones, tablets, and more.

When you partner with BSTRO, you get a full-service web development agency. We do all of our work in-house, provide user and usability testing when appropriate, and embrace new technologies and standards. We proudly stand by the quality of the websites we build for our clients.

  • WordPress 
  • Drupal
  • Meteor
  • HTML5 

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You guys were great to work with and probably one of the fastest.

Aneel Lakhani, Director of Corporate Marketing, SignalFx




Where could our custom web development services take your business?

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