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Mary's on Davie

A beloved institution, evolved.

Hamburger Mary's was a legend in Vancouver’s West End neighborhood. For decades, residents and visitors alike flocked to this iconic diner for milkshakes, comfort food, and sassy service. When the last incarnation shut down a few years ago, it left a Mary’s-sized hole in the community’s heart. In 2018, new owners stepped up with a fresh team, a revitalized menu, and an expert marketing agency partner—BSTRO.

Everyone’s a little bit Mary.

The new owners came to BSTRO with a challenge: how do we revive a former institution that, sadly, had waned in recent years?

Our answer was simple: bring back the essence of what made Mary special, and make her relevant to a 2018 audience. Kill the jukebox, bring on curated Spotify playlists. Build a diner that embraces its neighbors, and make people feel welcome and included. Open a restaurant where everyone’s a little bit Mary.

Knock it down, build it up.

Our team developed a clear and compelling brand story, which included a name change (goodbye, hamburgers—hello Mary’s on Davie) and an elevated experience designed to be shared on social media. We advised on everything from interior design to the menu, ensuring that the essence of Mary’s history and brand story was baked into the restaurant’s DNA. Respect the past, and serve the future.

Our team of designers and brand strategists delivered every element of the Mary’s on Davie experience—visual design, exterior signage, menu copy and design, all gender washroom signage, employee apparel, advertising, and PR.

All Mary, all the time.

BSTRO launched new social channels for Mary’s on Davie, with a cheeky vibe that honors and reflects the brand story.

Did it work?

You bet it did. With a teaser campaign in market 60 days out, the buzz was palpable. When they opened their doors on a Thursday morning for the “soft launch”, customers were lined up outside, waiting to see the new Mary’s.

In the restaurant industry terms, they were beyond slammed from day one.

BSTRO keeps telling the story.

It’s one thing to build a beautiful restaurant experience. If no one hears about it, you’re in trouble. In addition to our brand marketing work, BSTRO’s PR team has ensured big-time editorial coverage. Profiles of the owners in major newspapers, food reviews, and opening-day announcements are all part of what made the launch so successful.

Our social media team also deployed Mary’s unique brand voice, engaging customers in conversations in real-time while also using Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to spread the good word about Mary’s.

Happy customers. Happy clients.
Happy everything.

The Launch Numbers


Social Media Impressions


Facebook Page Growth


Launch Week Facebook Likes

Our team has very high expectations, and BSTRO exceeded them at every turn. Every moment of our launch was thoughtful and strategic—BSTRO developed a brand that we love, our customers respond to, and the community engages with. They’re a key partner, and we won’t hesitate to work with them again.

– Astrid O. Lalonde, Director of Marketing & Mary-in-Chief

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UX/UI Web Design & Photography

We helped Splenda unify their brand with a fresh new website that improves accessibility and shopability, while showcasing their recipes and products.

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